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I love books from all genres, but right now I'm on a mystery, contemporary, and YA kick.  I have two cats, Monkey and Peepers.

Currently reading

Breaking Saint Jude
Nikki Godwin
Provoked (Enlightenment)
Joanna Chambers
Quil Carter
Jordan Castillo Price
Daron's Guitar Chronicles: Volume One (Daron's Guitar Chronicles, #1)
Cecilia Tan
Progress: 100 %
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
Mary Roach
T. Baggins
Progress: 9 %
A Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin
Recovering from Life
Debra McKenna
Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 5)
J.R. Ward
Progress: 20 %
Provoked (Enlightenment) - Joanna Chambers

Somewhere around the 2nd chapter...


I'm not a history buff at all, but this isn't actually set during the Enlightenment era, correct?  I thought that was 18th century?  And I thought Romanticism was towards the later of the 19th century.  So I'm assuming this series is dealing with the aftermath of the Enlightenment?


I'm not trying to call the author out or be snarky; I'm genuinely curious because I want to try and understand as best I can what is going on.


Also...I like Murdo.  He's a cocky bastard it seems.  :)